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- 静脉输液
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
- X-Ray Examination
我们提供全面的成像和诊断服务,如核磁共振,CT,超声波和X射线服务,以帮助患者识别症状并提供预防性护理。 我们的放射诊断师以他们的专业知识和最先进的设备,提供更快和精确的诊断。 我们知道等待是一种真正的痛苦,因此,我们努力在同一天内提供结果。
- Consult with a Doctor
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
- MRI Examination
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
- 超声检查
超声检查适用于: 1、心脏和血管系统; 2、妇科和胎儿系统; 3、腹腔、盆腔实质性脏器:肝、胆、胰、脾、肾、子宫、卵巢及浅表器官,比如甲状腺、乳腺、前列腺等。系统; 3、腹腔、盆腔实质性脏器:肝、胆、胰、脾、肾、子宫、卵巢及浅表器官,比如甲状腺、乳腺、前列腺等。
- 妊娠检查
AN1(妊娠第一个三个月,胎儿筛查测试 10-14 周)- £245.00 AN 2(妊娠第二个三个月,胎儿异常扫描 18-22 周)- £285.00 AN 3(妊娠第三期,32-34 周福利扫描)- £200.00 10-40 周一般妊娠 - £175.00 多胎妊娠 - £175.00
- 基本健康检查
糖尿病筛查 胆固醇水平 甲状腺功能检查 肝功能检查 肾功能检查 贫血和感染 尿素和电解质 维生素D 维生素B12 叶酸(叶酸)血清 铁蛋白